estate planning

What will you leave behind?

Estate planning structures your assets so they transfer to your heirs with maximum efficiency and minimum expense. Without a plan, insurance beneficiary designations and other contracts might supersede the wishes laid out in your will, and your beneficiaries could face unnecessary emotional and financial burdens.

Tax strategy is another critical estate planning consideration – especially in times of looming increases and legislative uncertainty. We’ll show you ways to use annuities, trusts, and life insurance policies to minimize your tax burden, allowing your beneficiaries to receive the maximum amount possible.

Let Shamrock Financial Solutions set up and periodically review your plan to ensure:

  • All your beneficiary forms are in order
  • Your assets transfer in the most tax-efficient manner
  • A continuity plan for your loved ones is in place while your estate makes its way through the courts

You deserve the peace of mind that comes with leaving behind a sound estate plan to take care of your family. At Shamrock Financial Solutions, you’ll work with our team of specialists to design and execute a plan that’s right for you and your beneficiaries.